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- Weight Gain Tips For Women
- Weight Gain Advice
- Are Weight Gain Supplements Effective?
- Why Gaining Weight During Pregnancy Is Important
- Weight Gain Effects
- Understanding Weight Gain
- Thyroid Disorders And Weight Gain
- Disadvantages Of Rapid Weight Gain
- Gaining Weight During Pregnancy
- Weight Gain Calculator For Pregnancy
- Gain Weight With Diets And Exercise
- Reasons For Weight Gain During Menopause - Part 2
- Reasons For Weight Gain During Menopause
- Hormonal Changes And Weight Gain
- Gaining Weight For Women
- Weight Gain Strategies
- Tips To Safely Gain Weight
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Weight Gain Tips For Women
5:53 PM | Posted by
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Some women are underweight. If they want to reach their ideal weight, they will have to work hard in the coming days and months as this will not become a reality overnight. For that, there are two things that the woman has to do. The first is to eat right while the other if they have not tried it yet is exercise.
When we say eat right, we don’t mean sitting on a couch and eating junk food the whole day. It means that we have to practice good nutrition. This is achieved by getting the right amounts of fat, carbohydrates and proteins.
A good source of healthy fat comes what is known as omega 3 fatty acids. They are very special because it cannot be produced by the body. You can get this from eating fish and other marine life such as algae and krill. It can also be ingested by consuming certain plants like purslane and walnuts.
You can get protein from lean meat, poultry products, legumes and seeds. This is also important because it builds and repair tissues that are torn down from a workout. They also produce enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals.
Good nutrition should also have carbohydrates. This is the fuel that gives us energy to do our daily activities. So, if you want to remain active, you have to get a sufficient amount that can be found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
You can also get these three from food supplements that are available in the form of pills or drinks. This can be purchased over the counter as you don’t need a medical prescription.
Eating is just one thing women have to do to gain weight. The other is to exercise. Although working out increases your metabolism, it can also make you want to eat more afterwards. It can also change your body structure as you will soon develop muscles.
Women can gain weight by engaging in exercises such as aerobics, cycling, jogging, running and walking. Some may do weight lifting but not too much to make you look like a man. You can work 3 to 4 times a week for about an hour or two each day and don’t forget to bring water or any energy drink to replenish what you sweat.
If you have never exercised before, start with something easy before increasing the tempo. A physical trainer can help out since they have the authority on this matter. But before you do anything, don’t forget to get check if this is safe to do from your doctor.
Once you are able to reach your ideal weight, the only thing you have to do now is maintain it. This means sticking to the diet plan you have been using for the past how many months and adding a little variety every now and then as well as making some changes in the exercises that you do either at home or at the gym.
Some say it is easy to gain weight rather than lose it and women are no exception. For those who don’t want to be underweight anymore you just have to you eat and exercise because there is no short cut to looking and feeling good. This can only be achieved with sweat and hard work that is difficult but not impossible regardless of your age.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Weight Gain Advice
4:50 AM | Posted by
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Weight gain is one of the most popular means of getting fit these days. This is because gaining weight can be a good indicator of robust health as well as of the person’s positive outlook in life.
For those who want to continue gaining weight to achieve their purpose of sustaining health and achieving a fit body through rigorous workouts, here are some weight gain tips that can help you reach your goal.
1. Have a well balanced diet on your menu. Choosing the right foods is very essential for gaining weight because these are the sources of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that will enter the body. To be abele to gain weight safe and easy, people should load up on calories. They should increase their calorie intake so they will have much more to burn during physical activities.
Wide range of healthy foods that can be included in the diet are vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, whole wheat grains, lean meats, seafood, poultry products as well as some dairy products. Keep in mind that food—no matter what they are—can add up to your weight. But not all can be healthy for you such as some processed foods that contain saturated fats and bad cholesterol.
2. Get into regular physical activities such as workouts and exercise. Gaining weight is not just about eating, it also about building the muscles to keep them healthy and firm.
Muscle-strengthening and fat-burning routines are best for those who are just starting to weight gain because these exercises determine how slow or fast can you burn whatever you are eating. To be able to gain weight fast yet safe, always to workouts or other exercises religiously to ensure that your muscles will not sag once you have gained weight by increasing your food intake. If you are already ready for a higher notch, do some variations on your exercise or ask the gym instructor to create a program for you if you are enrolled in any fitness class.
3. Don’t force yourself. Although increase in food intake—especially in calorie-intake is recommended by experts—you cannot not always force yourself to bite more that you can chew. When it comes to increase in calorie-intake, people who are gaining weight are recommended to consume at least 300 to 500 calories daily. If you are not much of an eater, you can still load up on calories by adding some of its sources to your usual meals of the day. Opt for a diet that has grains and beans on it to preserve your energy for the rigorous workout.
4. If possible, keep the length of your under an hour. This is probably one of the most effective weight gain tips out there because it ensures that the body is getting the toning without too much stress. Experts agree that short yet intense and thorough workout routine will work best because you can concentrate on specific areas of the body.
When it comes to variations, choose those that promote fast muscle build up such as dead lifts, squats, bench presses, pull ups, barbell rows, as well as bar dips. If you keep your exercises and other routines shorter, you will not burn out easily.
The tendency of this is that it encourages your body to come back for a series of short yet intense exercises because it does not feel too much pressure and fatigue.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Are Weight Gain Supplements Effective?
3:47 PM | Posted by
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Although weight loss has been the trend in the past few years, more and more people are now getting into gaining weight because they can easily achieve the body that they want. They believe that once they gain weight, they can have firmer muscles through a set of rigorous exercise. However, gaining weight is not as easy as it may seem to others that is why they resort to weight gain supplements.
Just like other supplements, weight gain supplements are used by people to give their bodies support during the rigorous process of gaining weight. For other users, weight gain supplements serve as a complementary to the program they are enrolled in just to gain weight.
If you are one of those people who are getting tired of waiting just to gain weight, here are some weight gain supplements that can help you gain weight fast and easy. They can be found in the fitness areas of supermarkets, in healthy options stores, as well as in various fitness centers that offer weight gain programs. Although some of these weight gain supplements are proven to show positive results, always be careful in buying one because you might not get the worth of your money on it.
1. Weight gainers. These refers to drinks such as “protein shakes” that is primarily composed of whey which is a rich source of protein. Aside from whey, other weight gainers also include proteins coming from milk and other poultry products along with high levels of carbohydrate content that comes in the form of “maltodextrin” which is a complex carbohydrate that has high glycemic content. These are very helpful for those who want to gain weight fast because they are pure sources of calories needed to build muscles fast.
2.Creatine. This is a weight gain supplement that promises results as early as two weeks. A metabolite product by the body consisting of important weight gaining amino acids, creatine is preferred by more and more people who looking forward to gain weight because it has the ability to regenerate ATP, which is the body’s ultimate energy source.
3.L-glutamine. This is known as the most abundant amino acid that is present in a person’s muscle cells. When taken in a form of capsule of tablet, L-glutamine can give protection to your muscles during rigorous workouts and can also enhance your immune system to make it more susceptible to increase body mass.
4.Liver tablets. With beef liver as its primary source, liver tablets are used by many people as one of their favorite weight gain supplements because they can be easy to use. With regular intake of liver tablets that contain the highest and purest grade of protein, you can gain weight in no time.
5.Testosterone boosting supplements. Experts say that this is one of those weight gain supplements that would best work on adults especially to those who are into bodybuilding.
Testosterone boosting supplements are perfect for those people 25 years or above because there is lesser possibility of hormonal imbalance. People who are less than 25 years of age should stay away from these types of weight gain supplements because their body cannot fight off its possible side effects.
Teenagers are also advised to veer away from these types of weight gain supplements because these can greatly affect their hormonal growth and balance.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Why Gaining Weight During Pregnancy Is Important
2:44 AM | Posted by
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Gain weight during pregnancy is one of the most dreaded scenarios of women who are so figure conscious. And why not worry? Aside from the pains and major intellectual, emotional, physical and financial adjustments pregnant women should go through, they still have to worry how pregnancy would ruin the years they spent to achieve their figure right now.
But, no matter how frightening or alarming that thought of weight gain during pregnancy is, gaining weight is inevitable. These findings are supported not just by researchers in the field of science but also by some pediatricians, obstetricians and other those who know the real pains of pregnancy.
The importance of weight gain during pregnancy
Experts say that weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable because the hormonal change in a woman’s body triggers it. Studies show that when women are conceiving, there are drastic changes in their hormonal levels that increase their appetite.
Aside from hormonal changes, women gain weight during pregnancy because they tend to eat a lot in order to supply the nutrients needed by the growing fetus.
Providing food and nutrients for the baby inside the womb, experts say, is the main advantage of weight gain during pregnancy. Aside from supplying nutrients to the fetus by eating a wide range of nutritious foods, gaining weight during pregnancy will also help the woman to protect her back from the belly that grows heavier by the month.
Weight gain pregnancy is very important during the early stages of conception because it will help the woman to adjust to the major changes in her body.
But, too much weight during pregnancy—especially at the latter stages—can also be a disadvantage because it may lead to diabetes mellitus, a condition wherein there is too much sugar in the blood caused by large amounts of starches and other sources of sugar from foods.
For you to know the how weight gain during pregnancy can be beneficial to you, make sure that you visit your ob-gyne right away.
Today, studies say that women should go to ob-gynes even before they conceive to ensure that proper monitoring will be done. If you visit the doctor as early as possible, there is a bigger possibility of a healthier pregnancy because you get the right amount of information and guidance that you need.
During you ob-gyne visit, she or he can tell you how much weight you should gain during your pregnancy, how will it affect your body and you overall health, as well as of your baby, what kind of foods you should and shouldn’t be eating, how can gaining weight help your pregnancy to be easier and less stressful or painful, and how can you get rid of the weight you have gained during this stage.
Ideally, the weight a woman should gain during pregnancy should depend on her height and current weight or the total body mass index of her body. Once this has been determined, proper calculation will be done to ensure that you would gain just the right amount of weight during pregnancy.
Ideally, women who are slightly overweight should still gain at least 10 to 15 pounds while women who are underweight should gain more weight, at least 20 to 40 pounds to ensure that her body can supply enough nutrients for the child inside.
Weight gain during pregnancy should also depend on the type of pregnancy that the woman has.
For single pregnancy, the mentioned weight gain standards should apply. But for those who are having double, triple, or quadruple pregnancies, more weight gain is needed to ensure that that babies will get the same amount of nutrients just like the others.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Weight Gain Effects
1:41 PM | Posted by
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There seems to be some effects that happen in the body before and after weight gain. It may have something to do with the way that blood flows through the body. But that is putting it simply. There was a recent study about how substantial weight gain in people may affect certain functions that concern the efficient blood flow in the body.
In a research report provided by the world renowned Mayo Clinic in the US, researchers have discovered that substantial weight gain may cause some impairment on endothelial function. The aim of the study was to learn about the effects of weight gain and subsequent weight loss to the endothelial function. Endothelial cells in the body can be found lining up the blood vessels. When they are not functioning properly, these cells can obstruct blood flow. This may eventually lead to a person suffering from a heart attack or stroke.
According to the study, a weight gain of nine to ten pounds in lean healthy young adults may be enough to impair endothelial function. This is considered to be an important finding since endothelial dysfunction is a known predictor of heart attacks and stroke. Its association with weight gain was not previously known.
The Mayo Clinic study was the first controlled, randomized and blinded trial that was undertaken to evaluate the effects of weight gain and the subsequent weight loss on endothelial function. The study consisted of getting a group of 43 lean and healthy volunteers with an average body mass index of between 18.5 and 24.9. The body mass index is a statistical measurement of a person's weight in relation to height. The average age of the volunteers was 29, with 42 percent of them being women. All the volunteers in the group were not taking any type of medication during the study and were non-smokers.
The volunteer group went through a weight maintenance period supervised by an experienced dietician. During this period, the volunteers were randomly selected to either gain weight or maintain weight. 35 of the volunteers went into the weight gaining groups while the rest made up the weight maintaining group.
During the course of the study, the 35 volunteers gained weight for up to nine pounds or four kilograms. Their endothelial functions were then measured by means of ultrasound on the large vessel in the upper arm called the brachial artery. The measurements were done at the same time early in the morning and under various flow conditions.
For the weight gainers, measurements of the endothelial function was done at the start of the study, eight weeks after gaining weight and then 16 weeks after weight loss. The other group was measured at the start of the study and then eight weeks later for follow-up.
During the said study, the weight gainers put on an average of four kilos of weight which also increased their visceral and subcutaneous fat in the body. The flow measurements at the brachial artery from the weight gainers showed gradual decrease with the addition of weight.
But when the subjects went through the period of losing the weight they have gained during the study, the flow levels improved and eventually returned to the levels measured at the start of the study. This goes to show that endothelial function in the body may be affected before and after weight gain.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Understanding Weight Gain
12:38 AM | Posted by
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Unexplained weight gain happens when people undergo or experience substantial accumulation of added pounds that cannot be attributed to dieting or overeating. This can actually happen both ways, unexplained weight changes can either see one losing or gaining a considerable amount of weight. For both cases, there may be certain factors involved.
Unexplained weight gain usually happens when people consumes more calories that they can use. This can be brought about by overeating but also through other means such as lack of physical activity, hormonal changes as well as mood swings. It would be easy if the weight gain can be attributed to one's diet that usually is composed of too much calories that the body can use for energy. This leads the body to convert the excess calories into fat cells and store it up in the body for later use, thus resulting in weight gain.
But there are instances that weight gain cannot be directly attributed to one's diet or overeating. Some people undergo weight changes even though they try to follow the same diet routine for the longest time to maintain their weight. Unexplained weight gain in this case can be attributed other means. Some may be caused by some underlying illness or disorder. Some can also be caused by changes that happen in the body or changes in lifestyles. Here are some of the known causes of unintentional or unexplained weight gain in people.
People going through aging may experience some gradual decrease in their metabolism. This decreases the body's capacity to burn calories more efficiently which results in an excess of calories which the body converts to fat for later use. The low metabolism brought about by aging may be a cause of weight gain for people above the age of 35. Elderly people may also experience bouts of weight loss since aging may also bring about loss of appetite.
Pregnancy and menstruation
In the part of women, unexplained weight gain may be caused by one's menstrual cycle or pregnancy. The hormonal changes that happen during a woman's menstruation may cause her to gain some weight. In a similar way, a pregnant woman may also experience adding up some weight which is natural with the development of the fetus inside the womb.
Some tumors may also be the cause of unexplained weight gain. There are some tumors, especially those that release large amounts of serotonin and other substances may also bring about unexplained weight gain in people who may have them. Most of these weight gain causing tumors are those usually located in the bile duct, pancreas, intestinal tract, the lungs or the ovaries.
Some types of medication may also help in causing unexplained weight gain in people. Certain medications such as cannabinoids, corticosteroids, insulin, sulfonylureas, and antipsychotics may contribute to weight gain in people who are using them for treatment. People using such medication are advised to talk with their doctors first before halting their treatment because of the unexplained weight gain. Abruptly stopping some of these medications may prove to be dangerous.
Lifestyle Changes
Some lifestyle changes may also be the cause of some unexplained weight gain in people. Most notable of these changes is when one quits smoking. Quitting smoking would eventually see a person gaining a bit of weight due to the changes happening inside the body brought about by quitting a bad habit such as smoking.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thyroid Disorders And Weight Gain
11:35 AM | Posted by
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Thyroid weight gain is basically the effect of the thyroid gland not working properly. It is through this gland that the thyroid hormone is being produced. This hormone acts as the body's counterpart to a car's cruise control. It is the cruise control that allows the car to maintain a constant speed. And just like a car, it is the thyroid gland that keeps the rest of the body working at constant speed.
Normal levels of the thyroid hormone make it possible for the various functions of the body to maintain its normal activity. A decrease in the production of the thyroid hormone and the body's level of activity also decreases. Cells in the body seem to work slower. In so doing, the cells need less energy. But when the amount of energy provided in the body remains at the same level, some of this excess energy is being stored by the body for future use. The body does this by turning the excess energy in calories into fat. This in turn becomes additional weight in the body.
When the thyroid gland produces less of the thyroid hormone, many other things happen to the body. With the cells using lesser energy due to decreased activity, less heat is produced. With less heat, the sweat glands no longer need to keep the skin moist as the body also becomes colder. In this situation, the brain also goes through decreased activity which makes it want to sleep all the time. The same goes with the heart as less activity also allows it to beat slower. With decreased hormone levels in the thyroid gland, everything just slows up.
The opposite is true when the thyroid gland begins to produce the right amount of hormones that the body needs. When the levels of the thyroid hormones increase, the cells in the body also undergo an increase in activity. As a result of this, the body requires more energy and so makes use of the fat and protein stores and convert them to energy. As fat and protein cell stores decrease when being used, the body undergoes weight changes.
But an overactive thyroid gland also is not good. Aside from the above effects, an overactive thyroid also enables the body to produce more heat as a by-product of the increased activity. The body then begins to sweat in an effort to cool things down. The brain then begins to work overtime which can result in irritability and often difficulty in sleeping. The heart also begins to beat faster as everything in the body tries to speed up in activity.
In the body, it is the pituitary gland that sets the level of activity in the thyroid gland. Located at the base of the brain right between the temples, the pituitary gland sets the level in which the thyroid gland functions and, in so doing, regulates how much of the thyroid hormone is released into the blood stream.
If there the pituitary gland detects decreased levels of the thyroid hormone in the bloodstream, it sends out more of the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone or TSH into the thyroid gland by way of the bloodstream to stimulate it to produce more thyroid hormone. Thyroid weight gain happens if the body has an under active thyroid.
A decrease in thyroid function leads to less energy consumption in the body. This makes the body to store up excess calories in the body as fat which results in weight gain.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Disadvantages Of Rapid Weight Gain
10:32 PM | Posted by
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Generally, gain weight is seen as a positive thing for a person especially is he or she has been recovering from a certain medical condition or illness. But, this increase in body mass is not always considered as positive or good especially if the person is having a rapid weight gain.
As defined, rapid weight gain refers to the excessive gaining of weight in a short period of time.
Although it is not always alarming especially if it is caused by overeating due to holidays or vacations or pregnancy which makes women prone to gaining weight, rapid weight gain should be one of the things that people should pay attention to.
Why? Because this drastic change in weight gain can be a bad indicator of health or can be an indicator of an impending sickness.
What causes rapid weight gain?
Aside from the possibility of pregnancy or just gaining weight through overeating, experts say that people who are experiencing rapid weight gain should seek professional or medical help as soon as possible.
Experts say that when people who are suffering from rapid weight gain should go to a doctor for a consultation the soonest possible time, chances are, they have better fighting chances of the impending health condition.
To most people, rapid weight gain does not only cause them great discomfort but physical and emotional stress as well because they are always thinking of what causes their condition. The following are just some of the causes of rapid weight gain:
1. Rapid weight gain can be caused by a serious health condition. Studies show that rapid weight gain—that is not caused by pregnancy or overeating—can be an indicator of serious illnesses that involve the endocrine system as well as the heart and lungs of a person.
2. It may indicate perilous retention in the body’s fluids. This is very dangerous for the person because he or she might experience fluctuations in the body fluids which can be hard to sustain and monitor.
3. Rapid weight gain can be sign of imbalance in body’s nutrients. This is the very common reason why people gain weight. Since they don’t eat the standard size of food servings every meal, the level of the nutrients in the body tends to fluctuate. But, if the person does not have drastic changes in eating patterns and his or her weight goes up suddenly or without apparent reason, chances are, he or she needs medical attention as soon as possible.
4. This can be caused by thyroid problems. If the thyroid get active than its usual rate, then, rapid weight gain will follow. This is because the thyroid has the ability to control the amount of food intake through satiety levels of the person. Once it is overactive, chances are, it cannot perform its normal functions and will lead to certain conflicts in the person’s physiological state.
If there is a suspicion that weight gain is caused by a thyroid problem, the person should seek medical attention as soon as possible so he or she can be given proper medications to control the thyroid.
5. Rapid weight gain can also be caused by certain food allergies. When a person has allergic reactions to certain foods, things, or smell, he or she can exhibit various body responses such as developing rashes and irregular breathing. In others, the manifestation of these allergies may result to rapid weight gain.
To avoid rapid weight gain caused by allergies, it is always best to be informed about the things that have allergens so you will not have to suffer form gaining too much weight.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Gaining Weight During Pregnancy
9:29 AM | Posted by
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Aside from the overall condition of the fetus inside the womb, one of the major things that stress women when they are conceiving is pregnancy weight gain. This is because they are so afraid to gain so much weight and be among those women who are suffering from a condition called obesity.
Women who have babies in their wombs cannot be blamed for worrying too much over pregnancy weight gain because the society largely contributes to this thinking. In fact, with all the commercialization and hype on weight loss, women—even if those who are pregnant—are tempted to cut down on their weight so the people in the society won’t ridicule them.
Today, some studies show that more and more pregnant women are trying to regulate their food intake. They do this because they don’t want to be fat without thinking that it could severely affect the condition of the baby inside the womb.
Experts say that pregnant women—regardless of their condition—should always stay healthy throughout the duration of pregnancy. Being healthy does not only entails having a positive outlook in life but also good eating habits to supply the nutrients needed both by the mother and the baby.
Why weight gain during pregnancy?
Doctors say that that number one reason why pregnant women should gain weight is to support the nutritional needs of the growing fetus inside her. Since food intake is the number one source of all nutrition in the body, pregnant women should keep on eating especially during the first few months of pregnancy to provide al the nutrients needed by the baby.
Aside from supplying all the nutritional needs of the fetus, weight gain also indicates that the mother is healthy enough to carry on with the pregnancy.
Experts agree that the weight of the woman before the pregnancy does not matter once the first trimester rushes in. It means that no matte how light or heavy you are, you still need to gain weight when you are pregnant.
Medical findings prove that women who are overweight during pregnancy still need to gain weight with at least 20 pounds. Women who are underweight are advised to gain more, ranging from 20-40. These figures are ideal for women who are having single babies.
For those who are expecting two or more, they need to gain much more weight in order to provide the needs of the growing babies.
Pregnancy weight gain is very important for this special period in time because it will benefit the baby a lot. Aside from providing him or her nutrients needed through the foods that you eat, it also ensures their overall health once they come out in this world. Studies show that pregnant women who did not gain weight during conceiving are mothers to small and sickly babies.
For pregnant women to gain weight the healthy way, they should stick to the recommended number of calorie-intake which is 400 to 500 daily.
They should also be mindful about what they eat and how often they eat. During the early stages of pregnancy, pregnant women are allowed to eat almost anything they want to. But, as the pregnancy progresses, some foods are prohibited for pregnant women because these contain ingredients which can be harmful to the baby such as caffeine in coffee and in other drinks, alcohol and beverages with alcohol content, as well as cigarette smoking because it may cause mental problems to the baby.
Aside from eating healthy foods, pregnancy weight gain can also be achieved by performing a list of exercise regularly to keep the muscles fit and firm.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Weight Gain Calculator For Pregnancy
8:26 PM | Posted by
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Pregnancy is indeed one of the best things that can happen to any woman. This is because it is through conceiving a child can the woman feel her worth as caring and doting mother to the future baby. Although nothing can amount the feeling of fulfillment brought by motherhood, many women are quite hesitant to get into it because they are afraid of gaining too much weight.
To help women from panicking over the amount of weight they can gain during pregnancy, people came out with a tool that can estimate a pregnant woman’s weight gain—the pregnancy weight gain calculator.
How this educated guess works
The pregnancy weight gain calculator is one of the tools where pregnant women rely when it comes to the amount of weight they should expect during this stage at their lives.
Experts say that weight gain during pregnancy varies to every woman. If fact, when it comes to pregnancy, no two women gain the exact same weight even if they have the same height, weight, and overall physical frame. This is because their bodies go through a lot of hormonal changes which makes it hard to compare their weight gain during pregnancy.
To give women—who are quite conscious about their weight gain during pregnancy—a pregnancy weight calculator is used to give them an educated guess how heavy they can get during and even after the pregnancy.
The calculator—which can be used by accessing various pregnancy websites—can give pregnant women a general and basic guide how much weight they can gain and how to adjust to these bodily changes.
In using the pregnancy weight gain calculator, the pregnant woman’s current height and weight should be taken into consideration. The woman’s normal weight and height prior to her pregnancy should also be recorded. These pieces of information are very important because her weight and height before conceiving can determine the range of weight gain she can expect.
Here’s a step-by-step procedure of using it the pregnancy weight gain calculator:
1. Look for a reliable website. This is very important because the website can give you not just an educated guess about you weight gain but can also provide you important information on coping up with weight gain during pregnancy. Reliable websites may include parenting sites as well as pregnancy sites especially constructed for expecting women.
2. Start estimating your weight gain. This can be done by providing information such as height (in inches) and weight (in pounds) before your pregnancy. Usually, measurements required are feet and inches (metric) and pounds or kilograms. Through a pregnancy weight gain calculator, you can get not just an estimated weight gain for single pregnancy but for double, triple, or quadruple pregnancies as well.
3. Enter the number of months of pregnancy. You can do this by simple clicking the number of months you have been pregnant.
4. Wait for the calculation. Once all the needed information have been entered, the pregnancy weight gain calculator will then do the processing and will give you the result or estimation in less than a minute.
Although estimating the weight that can be gained during pregnancy can be fun using a pregnancy weight gain calculator is fun, pregnant women should not rely on it 100 percent. This is because their weight gain may vary depending on the type of pregnancy they are having.
To ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy, it is always best to get a regular check up with an ob-gyne.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Gain Weight With Diets And Exercise
7:23 AM | Posted by
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Most people go to the gym to lose weight. But did you know that you can do the exact opposite? Yes you can with a little help of a nutrition-based diet and some body building.
A nutrition-based diet is not composed of junk or greasy food. What you have to do is play it smart by eating products which contain healthy fats like omega 3 fatty acids which are commonly found in flax, tuna, salmon and walnuts.
You will also need to increase your protein intake from things like lean meat, nuts, poultry products, legumes and seeds. To top it off, you will also need carbohydrates that can be found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Another thing you will have to do is eat five to six meals per day instead of the eating three large ones.
Aside from food, there are protein foods and supplements drinks available which you can add during any time of the day. Since they come in different flavors, you can choose your favorite one from the store, add some water and then serve.
Some people even add a small amount of flax seed oil and psyllium powder so they also get some omega 3 fatty acids into their system.
Now that you have worked the eating part, now it is time to work on body building. Resistance training forces the muscles in your body to work harder and as a result increases your muscle size. Some examples are aerobics, cycling, running and weight lifting which can be done of course if you have the equipment at home or if you are a member of a gym.
Exercising is ideally done for 20 minutes but those who want to sweat it out and gain weight should try to work out between 1 to 2 hours every other day.
Since it takes some time for your muscles to recover after a workout, you should make sure to give it time to rest. It may take some time to gain the ideal weight you want if you are underweight so just be patient because the right nutrition diet and body building program will soon make you reach the goal weight.
Once you do reach the ideal weight, the challenge now is maintaining it. This is done by monitoring your calorie intake. There are books about this as well as information online which you can download to help you calculate how much of a certain food you can eat per day.
The mistake some people make that gets them off track is adding some unhealthy foods the diet such as chicken nuggets, French fries and fish sticks. You should eat smart and go for baked chicken, potatoes or fish. If you want, make the portion a little bit bigger.
Each meal should consist of protein and 2 to three servings of vegetables preferably the green kind that has a lot of vitamins and phytonutrients.
As for refreshments, don’t forget to drink lots of water to replenish what you lost during a workout. Milk and fruit juices are also good. You must avoid sodas since it only adds calories and has no nutritional value.
For the weight program, work with a trainer first who can help you achieve your objective by making the program and then all you have to do is follow it. You can probably add more weight later on in the barbells or dumbbells when you don’t find it that challenging as before.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Reasons For Weight Gain During Menopause - Part 2
6:20 PM | Posted by
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Menopause weight gain is one of those stages that most women are afraid of. This is because weight gain during menopausal does not only indicate that they are indeed aging but also means that they cannot really control the drastic changes that their body will go through.
But, women should not sulk into the great pit of depression once they start to gain weight during menopausal because this does not mean that they are not doing something for themselves. They should realize that as people—especially women—age, their bodies will not have the same function as it did ten years ago. They should realize that this weight gain caused by menopausal is really inevitable.
Once they have accepted this fact, it will be easier for them to get out of the depression and start thinking of ways that can help them minimize the gaining of weight. Experts say that weight gain is one of the common problems women in their midlife stages—those who are in their 40s and 50s—complain about. Most of the complaints include the “uncontrollable” bulges in the hips, thighs and abdomen which can be unsightly of they remain using the clothes they used to wear.
Although there is nothing much that can be done once weight gain in menopausal stage rushes in, there are some things that can be done to minimize and totally prevent it while you are younger.
What causes weight gain menopause?
To be able to avoid suffering from too much weight gain caused by menopause, one of the things that younger women should do is to understand what the reasons behind this weight gain are.
Once they were able to discover and understand these causes, they can do something about it.
The following are just some of the common reasons that causes weight gain. Younger women should be very well aware of these causes so they can plan some ways to avoid gaining weight too much:
1. Less exercise. This is the considered as the number one reason why more and more women experience menopause weight gain. Studies show that as women age, they tend to move slower that is why they keep on accumulating fats on specific areas of their bodies. To avoid menopausal weight gain, younger women or even those who are in the border line can start increasing their physical activities by having regular sets of daily exercise and workout that is specially designed for them.
2. Increased food intake. This is also a major reason why women gain too much weight during their menopausal stage. Experts say that as women grow older, their appetite increases which leads to the accumulation of too much calories which later on becomes fat since they are not able to burn it right away.
3. Inability to burn lesser amounts calories. Studies show that this is also a great factor that contributes to menopause weight gain since it replaces fat with calories which are harder to burn. Once the muscles in the body are replaced with fat, the metabolism will be slower which will lead to deposits of fats in the body.
Women who have menopause weight gain in their family histories are more prone to this condition.
To avoid suffering from the burdens of menopausal weight gain it is best to include healthy foods in the diet, having a regular set of physical exercise and visit the doctor once in a while for a general check up.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Reasons For Weight Gain During Menopause
5:17 AM | Posted by
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Menopause and weight gain are closely associated with each other. Women undergoing menopause seem to suffer the unwelcome results of weight gain. Nearly every woman struggles through it during perimenopause and menopause. A woman gaining from 10 to 15 pounds during this stage in her life is not unusual. What makes it even worse is that various studies also show that weight gain before and during menopause can actually increase the risk of breast cancer in women.
There are many factors involved that allows women to gain weight during menopause. One of them is hormonal changes with age. During menopause, women begin to experience having lower levels of estrogen in the body. Estrogen has been linked to weight gain in menopausal women along with the decreasing levels of testosterone.
Another factor that has a role in weight gain among menopausal women is the development of insulin resistance. This can occur during the menopausal years when the body becomes inefficient in metabolizing every calorie taken in, eventually converting it into fat. Eating mostly processed and refined foods can make the body resistant to insulin that is being produced in the blood stream over time. This is being cited as one of the causes of weight gain in women after the age of 40.
Another probable reason for weight gain in women during menopause is stress. Stress is a major factor involved in weight gain during menopause. When stress hormones are produced in the body, they signal it to go into storage mode, making weight loss even more difficult. The stress hormones enable the body to undergo what is also known as the "famine effect". In this stage, the stress hormones lead the body into thinking that it won't be getting food again for a long time so that it shifts to storing every calorie it takes in, thus causing weight gain.
It can be very difficult for women to undergo weight loss during menopause. What most women can do is to learn how to accept weight gain during menopause as a natural thing. Weight gain during this period of a woman's life is not entirely bad. Weight gain may even provide some good. A little weight gained may help in lessening anxiety as well as hot flashes that are also the usual symptoms that is associated with menopause. Weight gain during menopause is also a means of the body to prepare itself from osteoporosis or other types of illnesses.
There is a way that women may be able to do in trying to keep weight gain during menopause in check. Eating a balanced diet may help make weight gain during menopause a benefit instead of a burden. Women should avoid the consumption of refined sugars as well as processed foods and instead fill up their daily diet with fruits and vegetables.
Women undergoing menopause and weight gain should also try to avoid crash diets. It will only makes things even worse as starving the body will only cause one's metabolism to slow down and cause even more weight to be gained in the process. In the same way women during this stage in their lives should avoid losing large amounts of weight.
Drastic weight loss or becoming very thin during menopause can result in increased risks of developing osteoporosis later on. Remaining active may help in increasing metabolism and burn some of the fats in the body during or after menopause.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Hormonal Changes And Weight Gain
4:14 PM | Posted by
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Menopausal weight gain seems to be a great concern for women as they age. It seems that gaining some weight during this period in life seems inevitable. Some women may even be puzzled as to why they seem to pile up weight even though they eat the same amount of food. There are many reasons for this.
Women go through menopausal weight gain because their body is going through changes during menopause. The reason for the weight gain may stem fro the hormones themselves. During menopause, normal estrogen levels in the body seem to go down. Estrogen is the female sex hormone that is responsible for a woman's monthly ovulation.
Low estrogen levels during menopause causes the female body to stop ovulating. As the ovaries of the woman produce less estrogen, her body tries to look for other means to get its estrogen supply. One of the means that the body can be supplied with the estrogen hormone is through the fat cells. So the body tries to convert as much of the calories it is supplied with into fat to be able to produce the much needed estrogen. Unfortunately, the fat cells are not as effective in burning calories as much as muscles do. This causes women to pack up additional pounds.
Progesterone is another hormone that may be the cause of weight gain during menopause. Just like estrogen, women undergoing menopause also experience their body's progesterone levels go down. This causes weight gain on women on a different way. Low levels of progesterone in the body are associated with water retention and bloating, giving one the appearance of getting bigger and heavier. But this effect usually only happens for a short time and will disappear in just a few months.
Another hormone that may be responsible for weight gain during menopause is the male sex hormone androgen. Menopause brings about an increase of androgen levels in women. This hormone becomes responsible for sending the gained weight into the abdominal area or the middle section of the body. This is the reason why weight gain during menopause is also referred to as the "middle age spread".
Another hormone that may be responsible for weight gain during menopause is testosterone. This hormone helps the body to create lean muscle mass out of the calories that the body takes in. Muscle cells are better at burning calories than fat cells and helps in increasing the body's metabolism. During menopause, the level of this hormone drops which then results in a gradual loss of muscle. This also means that metabolism in the body slows down, causing the body to burn calories slower.
Women become frustrated and concerned when they suddenly find themselves gaining weight during menopause. No matter how careful they are on maintaining their eating habits and even adding up a dose of exercise into their daily habit, they still can't seem to maintain their weight. Women must understand that it is because of the changes in the body during menopause that makes maintaining their weight even more difficult. Losing weight even becomes a more challenging undertaking than ever before.
Women must remember that it is not entirely their fault that they are gaining weight during this stage in their life. Menopausal weight gain is a normal occurrence due to the fluctuations in the hormone levels in the body. These hormones will also have a big impact on one's appetite and the body's ability to metabolize calories and store fats.
The better that women understand what goes on with their bodies during menopause, the less frustrated they can become when faced with weight gain.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Gaining Weight For Women
3:11 AM | Posted by
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Have you ever been told that you are too skinny or just underweight? Surely, you have heard some people joke about it behind your back or you may have said that about someone. But it’s not their fault that they are underweight. Sometimes, it’s in the genes or they are simply not eating right. If poor eating habits are the culprit, the good news is that you can help yourself or that person.
The first thing you to do is step back and think about what you are eating regularly. Are they healthy? Does it have any nutritional value at all? If there is none, then remove it and replace these with what experts deem as nutritional.
There are three things to keep in mind when we want to eat healthy. This is the number of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that the body is ingesting. None of these come from junk food so if you want to know what the right ones are, read on further.
Carbohydrates can be compared to gasoline as this is what gives us energy. Without it, the body will have to find a new source of energy by tapping into fats and proteins that will not help you gain weight but rather lose it. You get carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Fat is also needed and the healthiest around is omega 3 fatty acids because this is not produced by the body. You can get this from eating fish and other marine life. It has also be found in nuts and certain vegetables.
Protein is what the body uses to produce hormones, body chemicals and helps repair damaged tissue. You can find this lean meat, poultry and vegetables.
Now that you know what the three important essentials are, it is time to make a plan. A dietitian can help in the beginning but one thing you have to learn is how to monitor the number of calories you take in from these products.
Each one has a corresponding calorie count which you can look up in books or online. By calculating how much you need daily and then distributing this during the different meals of the day, you are able to practice good nutrition.
Also, instead of eating three full meals a day, it is better to divide it into 5 or 6 smaller meals so you never feel overstuffed. Each one should consist of a main dish with 2 or 3 side orders consisting of different vegetables.
Enough about food. Now its time to talk about proper exercise. The type of exercise program for you depends on your physical condition which is why you have to see a doctor first who will be able to say which is safe for you to try.
If you are in good shape, then you can try aerobics, cycling, jogging, running or walking. You simply have to get a good pair of shoes and do this at home or sign up in the gym. While you are there, you can also check what other anaerobic exercises similar to those mentioned can help you gain weight.
Eventually, you or the friend you have helped will attain their ideal weight. But you shouldn’t stop there. You must be able to maintain it by continuing your routine as you may lose weight again or gain too much making you overweight.
Is it easy? No, it will take some hard work and dedication since its up to you whether you still want to be underweight.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Weight Gain Strategies
2:08 PM | Posted by
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People—especially those who are very thin for their frame, age, and height—are learning how gain weight. For them, this weight gain would indicate that they are doing something to improve not just their physical built but their health as well.
Aside from being an indicator of good health, fitness, and eating a well balanced diet, weight gain would also serves an indicator for a person’s overall improvement in his or her outlook in life. Although in most cases, weight gain is an indicator of good health, it can also serve as an indicator if negligence especially if there are signs of obesity.
Experts say that there are basically two reasons why people are learning how to gain weight. One is to achieve a fit and fabulous perfect for bodybuilding contests and other fitness events and the other is for health reasons. Today, more and more studies show that people are into weight gain because they want to ensure that they will have good health as they grow older.
If you want to learn how to gain weight, there are so many resource materials that you can use. If you are knowledgeable about fitness, you can even do it on your own.
All you have to do is research for information that you can use. These pieces of information will serve as your guide. But, if you don’t have time to research and monitor the activities and set of diet that you need to do to be able to gain weight, you can enroll in various fitness centers that offers program for those who want to increase their weight.
The following are just some of the helpful tips that you can use if you are learning how to gain weight:
1. Make sure that you eat foods that are nutritious and those that have high calorie content. Experts say that this is the most basic lesson people who are looking forward to weight gain should take note of.
This is because foods—especially those that are high in calories such as breads that have whole grains, high in fiber such as potatoes and other vegetables, fruits that are high in fat content such as avocado, nuts that contain fats like kidney beans, meats that are lean, and poultry products as well fish and other seafood.
2. Eat more often. Aside from knowing what are the foods that you should be eating, you should be very well aware of your meal schedule. Since gaining weight requires more calories and other nutrients for muscle formation, make sure that you increase the value of your meals to gain more calories. Aside from the foods that you should be eating for your main meals, try to add ingredients to the foods that you are eating.
3. Don’t skip meals. Since you are tying to gain some more weight, it is a no-no that you skip any meal because your body will use up your reserved fats. Make sure that you have a timetable for so you will eat on time. (TIP: The ideal meal schedule is at least three heavy meals and two snacks for the day. If you are planning to gain more weight, you can double the amount during meals but make sure that you stick to your schedule.
4. Be consistent. Just like in losing weight, people who are learning how to gain weight should bear in mind that they have to be consistent in their meal schedules. Once you have your own program in gaining weight, make sure that you follow it religiously so you can achieve your desired weight.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tips To Safely Gain Weight
1:05 AM | Posted by
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Many people are getting into weight gain because they believe that this is one of the fastest ways to have a fit and sexy body once they exercise regularly. However, there are instances that people cannot wait so they resort to various means of gaining weight without realizing that it can be unhealthy for them. If you are one of those who can’t wait to gain weight, here are some healthy weight tips for you:
1. Add up on calories. Since calories are the building blocks of muscles and the primary course of a person’s energy, people who are looking forward to gain weight should increase their calorie intake. Studies show that people who want fast weight gain should add up 1,000 or more extra calories but this cannot be health for everyone especially to those who are used to eating a little or to those who have been into dieting.
For starters, adding up 500 extra calories would do you good and it can be increased when proper adjustments have already been done. (REMINDER: Always read the nutrition facts label of food to see its calorie content per serving. This information guide can be seen at the top section of the packaged food.
2. Load up on snacks all throughout the day. Eating snacks—especially those that are high in calories, carbohydrates, and protein—often during the day can help you gain weight the healthy way because this prepares your body for a larger amount of food during full course meals.
3. Always opt for foods that have higher calorie content. As mentioned, calories help people double up their body mass. If you are really into gaining weight the fast and healthy way, always choose the foods that have the highest calorie content more often.
4. Increase your food intake. Experts say that people who are looking forward to gain weight the safe and healthy way should try eating larger portions of foods during meal time. For those who are “little eaters,” it is best not to force yourself to eat large portions because you might vomit or be full in an instant. What you can do is to eat smaller meals but double up your eating schedule and eat foods that have the highest content of calories.
5. Don’t eat foods with saturated fats. Calories contain fats but it doesn’t mean that you should consume all the foods that have calorie content even if they have saturated fats. Studies show that saturated fats can make a person more prone to increased cholesterol condition and other illnesses and conditions relate to saturated fats.
(REMINDER: Always choose foods that don’t only have high calorie content but nutritious and healthy as well. Always opt for fruits, vegetables, meats, and other poultry products. Avoid consuming dairy and other whole-milk products, skin or chicken, sausage and bacon, butter, sour cream, and meats with high-fat as well as majority of the snack foods available in major supermarkets and groceries nationwide.
Always stay healthy
These healthy weight gain tips do not promise the same result to everyone since people have their innate genetic build up. What they should do is to visit their physicians first and ask for a thorough examination to ensure that they are fit enough to gain some weight.
If they are fit, the physician will also guide the person on the kinds of foods that he or she should eat to ensure one’s health.
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