Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weight Gain Tips For Women

Some women are underweight. If they want to reach their ideal weight, they will have to work hard in the coming days and months as this will not become a reality overnight. For that, there are two things that the woman has to do. The first is to eat right while the other if they have not tried it yet is exercise.

When we say eat right, we don’t mean sitting on a couch and eating junk food the whole day. It means that we have to practice good nutrition. This is achieved by getting the right amounts of fat, carbohydrates and proteins.

A good source of healthy fat comes what is known as omega 3 fatty acids. They are very special because it cannot be produced by the body. You can get this from eating fish and other marine life such as algae and krill. It can also be ingested by consuming certain plants like purslane and walnuts.

You can get protein from lean meat, poultry products, legumes and seeds. This is also important because it builds and repair tissues that are torn down from a workout. They also produce enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals.

Good nutrition should also have carbohydrates. This is the fuel that gives us energy to do our daily activities. So, if you want to remain active, you have to get a sufficient amount that can be found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

You can also get these three from food supplements that are available in the form of pills or drinks. This can be purchased over the counter as you don’t need a medical prescription.

Eating is just one thing women have to do to gain weight. The other is to exercise. Although working out increases your metabolism, it can also make you want to eat more afterwards. It can also change your body structure as you will soon develop muscles.

Women can gain weight by engaging in exercises such as aerobics, cycling, jogging, running and walking. Some may do weight lifting but not too much to make you look like a man. You can work 3 to 4 times a week for about an hour or two each day and don’t forget to bring water or any energy drink to replenish what you sweat.

If you have never exercised before, start with something easy before increasing the tempo. A physical trainer can help out since they have the authority on this matter. But before you do anything, don’t forget to get check if this is safe to do from your doctor.

Once you are able to reach your ideal weight, the only thing you have to do now is maintain it. This means sticking to the diet plan you have been using for the past how many months and adding a little variety every now and then as well as making some changes in the exercises that you do either at home or at the gym.

Some say it is easy to gain weight rather than lose it and women are no exception. For those who don’t want to be underweight anymore you just have to you eat and exercise because there is no short cut to looking and feeling good. This can only be achieved with sweat and hard work that is difficult but not impossible regardless of your age.
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Weight Gain Advice

Weight gain is one of the most popular means of getting fit these days. This is because gaining weight can be a good indicator of robust health as well as of the person’s positive outlook in life.

For those who want to continue gaining weight to achieve their purpose of sustaining health and achieving a fit body through rigorous workouts, here are some weight gain tips that can help you reach your goal.

1. Have a well balanced diet on your menu. Choosing the right foods is very essential for gaining weight because these are the sources of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that will enter the body. To be abele to gain weight safe and easy, people should load up on calories. They should increase their calorie intake so they will have much more to burn during physical activities.

Wide range of healthy foods that can be included in the diet are vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, whole wheat grains, lean meats, seafood, poultry products as well as some dairy products. Keep in mind that food—no matter what they are—can add up to your weight. But not all can be healthy for you such as some processed foods that contain saturated fats and bad cholesterol.

2. Get into regular physical activities such as workouts and exercise. Gaining weight is not just about eating, it also about building the muscles to keep them healthy and firm.

Muscle-strengthening and fat-burning routines are best for those who are just starting to weight gain because these exercises determine how slow or fast can you burn whatever you are eating. To be able to gain weight fast yet safe, always to workouts or other exercises religiously to ensure that your muscles will not sag once you have gained weight by increasing your food intake. If you are already ready for a higher notch, do some variations on your exercise or ask the gym instructor to create a program for you if you are enrolled in any fitness class.

3. Don’t force yourself. Although increase in food intake—especially in calorie-intake is recommended by experts—you cannot not always force yourself to bite more that you can chew. When it comes to increase in calorie-intake, people who are gaining weight are recommended to consume at least 300 to 500 calories daily. If you are not much of an eater, you can still load up on calories by adding some of its sources to your usual meals of the day. Opt for a diet that has grains and beans on it to preserve your energy for the rigorous workout.

4. If possible, keep the length of your under an hour. This is probably one of the most effective weight gain tips out there because it ensures that the body is getting the toning without too much stress. Experts agree that short yet intense and thorough workout routine will work best because you can concentrate on specific areas of the body.

When it comes to variations, choose those that promote fast muscle build up such as dead lifts, squats, bench presses, pull ups, barbell rows, as well as bar dips. If you keep your exercises and other routines shorter, you will not burn out easily.

The tendency of this is that it encourages your body to come back for a series of short yet intense exercises because it does not feel too much pressure and fatigue.
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are Weight Gain Supplements Effective?

Although weight loss has been the trend in the past few years, more and more people are now getting into gaining weight because they can easily achieve the body that they want. They believe that once they gain weight, they can have firmer muscles through a set of rigorous exercise. However, gaining weight is not as easy as it may seem to others that is why they resort to weight gain supplements.

Just like other supplements, weight gain supplements are used by people to give their bodies support during the rigorous process of gaining weight. For other users, weight gain supplements serve as a complementary to the program they are enrolled in just to gain weight.

If you are one of those people who are getting tired of waiting just to gain weight, here are some weight gain supplements that can help you gain weight fast and easy. They can be found in the fitness areas of supermarkets, in healthy options stores, as well as in various fitness centers that offer weight gain programs. Although some of these weight gain supplements are proven to show positive results, always be careful in buying one because you might not get the worth of your money on it.

1. Weight gainers. These refers to drinks such as “protein shakes” that is primarily composed of whey which is a rich source of protein. Aside from whey, other weight gainers also include proteins coming from milk and other poultry products along with high levels of carbohydrate content that comes in the form of “maltodextrin” which is a complex carbohydrate that has high glycemic content. These are very helpful for those who want to gain weight fast because they are pure sources of calories needed to build muscles fast.

2.Creatine. This is a weight gain supplement that promises results as early as two weeks. A metabolite product by the body consisting of important weight gaining amino acids, creatine is preferred by more and more people who looking forward to gain weight because it has the ability to regenerate ATP, which is the body’s ultimate energy source.

3.L-glutamine. This is known as the most abundant amino acid that is present in a person’s muscle cells. When taken in a form of capsule of tablet, L-glutamine can give protection to your muscles during rigorous workouts and can also enhance your immune system to make it more susceptible to increase body mass.

4.Liver tablets. With beef liver as its primary source, liver tablets are used by many people as one of their favorite weight gain supplements because they can be easy to use. With regular intake of liver tablets that contain the highest and purest grade of protein, you can gain weight in no time.

5.Testosterone boosting supplements. Experts say that this is one of those weight gain supplements that would best work on adults especially to those who are into bodybuilding.

Testosterone boosting supplements are perfect for those people 25 years or above because there is lesser possibility of hormonal imbalance. People who are less than 25 years of age should stay away from these types of weight gain supplements because their body cannot fight off its possible side effects.

Teenagers are also advised to veer away from these types of weight gain supplements because these can greatly affect their hormonal growth and balance.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why Gaining Weight During Pregnancy Is Important

Gain weight during pregnancy is one of the most dreaded scenarios of women who are so figure conscious. And why not worry? Aside from the pains and major intellectual, emotional, physical and financial adjustments pregnant women should go through, they still have to worry how pregnancy would ruin the years they spent to achieve their figure right now.

But, no matter how frightening or alarming that thought of weight gain during pregnancy is, gaining weight is inevitable. These findings are supported not just by researchers in the field of science but also by some pediatricians, obstetricians and other those who know the real pains of pregnancy.

The importance of weight gain during pregnancy

Experts say that weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable because the hormonal change in a woman’s body triggers it. Studies show that when women are conceiving, there are drastic changes in their hormonal levels that increase their appetite.

Aside from hormonal changes, women gain weight during pregnancy because they tend to eat a lot in order to supply the nutrients needed by the growing fetus.

Providing food and nutrients for the baby inside the womb, experts say, is the main advantage of weight gain during pregnancy. Aside from supplying nutrients to the fetus by eating a wide range of nutritious foods, gaining weight during pregnancy will also help the woman to protect her back from the belly that grows heavier by the month.

Weight gain pregnancy is very important during the early stages of conception because it will help the woman to adjust to the major changes in her body.

But, too much weight during pregnancy—especially at the latter stages—can also be a disadvantage because it may lead to diabetes mellitus, a condition wherein there is too much sugar in the blood caused by large amounts of starches and other sources of sugar from foods.

For you to know the how weight gain during pregnancy can be beneficial to you, make sure that you visit your ob-gyne right away.

Today, studies say that women should go to ob-gynes even before they conceive to ensure that proper monitoring will be done. If you visit the doctor as early as possible, there is a bigger possibility of a healthier pregnancy because you get the right amount of information and guidance that you need.

During you ob-gyne visit, she or he can tell you how much weight you should gain during your pregnancy, how will it affect your body and you overall health, as well as of your baby, what kind of foods you should and shouldn’t be eating, how can gaining weight help your pregnancy to be easier and less stressful or painful, and how can you get rid of the weight you have gained during this stage.

Ideally, the weight a woman should gain during pregnancy should depend on her height and current weight or the total body mass index of her body. Once this has been determined, proper calculation will be done to ensure that you would gain just the right amount of weight during pregnancy.

Ideally, women who are slightly overweight should still gain at least 10 to 15 pounds while women who are underweight should gain more weight, at least 20 to 40 pounds to ensure that her body can supply enough nutrients for the child inside.

Weight gain during pregnancy should also depend on the type of pregnancy that the woman has.

For single pregnancy, the mentioned weight gain standards should apply. But for those who are having double, triple, or quadruple pregnancies, more weight gain is needed to ensure that that babies will get the same amount of nutrients just like the others.
Monday, September 20, 2010

Weight Gain Effects

There seems to be some effects that happen in the body before and after weight gain. It may have something to do with the way that blood flows through the body. But that is putting it simply. There was a recent study about how substantial weight gain in people may affect certain functions that concern the efficient blood flow in the body.

In a research report provided by the world renowned Mayo Clinic in the US, researchers have discovered that substantial weight gain may cause some impairment on endothelial function. The aim of the study was to learn about the effects of weight gain and subsequent weight loss to the endothelial function. Endothelial cells in the body can be found lining up the blood vessels. When they are not functioning properly, these cells can obstruct blood flow. This may eventually lead to a person suffering from a heart attack or stroke.

According to the study, a weight gain of nine to ten pounds in lean healthy young adults may be enough to impair endothelial function. This is considered to be an important finding since endothelial dysfunction is a known predictor of heart attacks and stroke. Its association with weight gain was not previously known.

The Mayo Clinic study was the first controlled, randomized and blinded trial that was undertaken to evaluate the effects of weight gain and the subsequent weight loss on endothelial function. The study consisted of getting a group of 43 lean and healthy volunteers with an average body mass index of between 18.5 and 24.9. The body mass index is a statistical measurement of a person's weight in relation to height. The average age of the volunteers was 29, with 42 percent of them being women. All the volunteers in the group were not taking any type of medication during the study and were non-smokers.

The volunteer group went through a weight maintenance period supervised by an experienced dietician. During this period, the volunteers were randomly selected to either gain weight or maintain weight. 35 of the volunteers went into the weight gaining groups while the rest made up the weight maintaining group.

During the course of the study, the 35 volunteers gained weight for up to nine pounds or four kilograms. Their endothelial functions were then measured by means of ultrasound on the large vessel in the upper arm called the brachial artery. The measurements were done at the same time early in the morning and under various flow conditions.

For the weight gainers, measurements of the endothelial function was done at the start of the study, eight weeks after gaining weight and then 16 weeks after weight loss. The other group was measured at the start of the study and then eight weeks later for follow-up.

During the said study, the weight gainers put on an average of four kilos of weight which also increased their visceral and subcutaneous fat in the body. The flow measurements at the brachial artery from the weight gainers showed gradual decrease with the addition of weight.

But when the subjects went through the period of losing the weight they have gained during the study, the flow levels improved and eventually returned to the levels measured at the start of the study. This goes to show that endothelial function in the body may be affected before and after weight gain.
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Understanding Weight Gain

Unexplained weight gain happens when people undergo or experience substantial accumulation of added pounds that cannot be attributed to dieting or overeating. This can actually happen both ways, unexplained weight changes can either see one losing or gaining a considerable amount of weight. For both cases, there may be certain factors involved.

Unexplained weight gain usually happens when people consumes more calories that they can use. This can be brought about by overeating but also through other means such as lack of physical activity, hormonal changes as well as mood swings. It would be easy if the weight gain can be attributed to one's diet that usually is composed of too much calories that the body can use for energy. This leads the body to convert the excess calories into fat cells and store it up in the body for later use, thus resulting in weight gain.

But there are instances that weight gain cannot be directly attributed to one's diet or overeating. Some people undergo weight changes even though they try to follow the same diet routine for the longest time to maintain their weight. Unexplained weight gain in this case can be attributed other means. Some may be caused by some underlying illness or disorder. Some can also be caused by changes that happen in the body or changes in lifestyles. Here are some of the known causes of unintentional or unexplained weight gain in people.


People going through aging may experience some gradual decrease in their metabolism. This decreases the body's capacity to burn calories more efficiently which results in an excess of calories which the body converts to fat for later use. The low metabolism brought about by aging may be a cause of weight gain for people above the age of 35. Elderly people may also experience bouts of weight loss since aging may also bring about loss of appetite.

Pregnancy and menstruation

In the part of women, unexplained weight gain may be caused by one's menstrual cycle or pregnancy. The hormonal changes that happen during a woman's menstruation may cause her to gain some weight. In a similar way, a pregnant woman may also experience adding up some weight which is natural with the development of the fetus inside the womb.


Some tumors may also be the cause of unexplained weight gain. There are some tumors, especially those that release large amounts of serotonin and other substances may also bring about unexplained weight gain in people who may have them. Most of these weight gain causing tumors are those usually located in the bile duct, pancreas, intestinal tract, the lungs or the ovaries.


Some types of medication may also help in causing unexplained weight gain in people. Certain medications such as cannabinoids, corticosteroids, insulin, sulfonylureas, and antipsychotics may contribute to weight gain in people who are using them for treatment. People using such medication are advised to talk with their doctors first before halting their treatment because of the unexplained weight gain. Abruptly stopping some of these medications may prove to be dangerous.

Lifestyle Changes

Some lifestyle changes may also be the cause of some unexplained weight gain in people. Most notable of these changes is when one quits smoking. Quitting smoking would eventually see a person gaining a bit of weight due to the changes happening inside the body brought about by quitting a bad habit such as smoking.
Friday, September 17, 2010

Thyroid Disorders And Weight Gain

Thyroid weight gain is basically the effect of the thyroid gland not working properly. It is through this gland that the thyroid hormone is being produced. This hormone acts as the body's counterpart to a car's cruise control. It is the cruise control that allows the car to maintain a constant speed. And just like a car, it is the thyroid gland that keeps the rest of the body working at constant speed.

Normal levels of the thyroid hormone make it possible for the various functions of the body to maintain its normal activity. A decrease in the production of the thyroid hormone and the body's level of activity also decreases. Cells in the body seem to work slower. In so doing, the cells need less energy. But when the amount of energy provided in the body remains at the same level, some of this excess energy is being stored by the body for future use. The body does this by turning the excess energy in calories into fat. This in turn becomes additional weight in the body.

When the thyroid gland produces less of the thyroid hormone, many other things happen to the body. With the cells using lesser energy due to decreased activity, less heat is produced. With less heat, the sweat glands no longer need to keep the skin moist as the body also becomes colder. In this situation, the brain also goes through decreased activity which makes it want to sleep all the time. The same goes with the heart as less activity also allows it to beat slower. With decreased hormone levels in the thyroid gland, everything just slows up.

The opposite is true when the thyroid gland begins to produce the right amount of hormones that the body needs. When the levels of the thyroid hormones increase, the cells in the body also undergo an increase in activity. As a result of this, the body requires more energy and so makes use of the fat and protein stores and convert them to energy. As fat and protein cell stores decrease when being used, the body undergoes weight changes.

But an overactive thyroid gland also is not good. Aside from the above effects, an overactive thyroid also enables the body to produce more heat as a by-product of the increased activity. The body then begins to sweat in an effort to cool things down. The brain then begins to work overtime which can result in irritability and often difficulty in sleeping. The heart also begins to beat faster as everything in the body tries to speed up in activity.

In the body, it is the pituitary gland that sets the level of activity in the thyroid gland. Located at the base of the brain right between the temples, the pituitary gland sets the level in which the thyroid gland functions and, in so doing, regulates how much of the thyroid hormone is released into the blood stream.

If there the pituitary gland detects decreased levels of the thyroid hormone in the bloodstream, it sends out more of the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone or TSH into the thyroid gland by way of the bloodstream to stimulate it to produce more thyroid hormone. Thyroid weight gain happens if the body has an under active thyroid.

A decrease in thyroid function leads to less energy consumption in the body. This makes the body to store up excess calories in the body as fat which results in weight gain.